LAWASIA International Moot Competition

Dr. Edward Yeh was invited to serve as the Moot Judge in the LawAsia International Moot Competition 2017!本所主持律師 葉茂林博士受邀擔任國際模擬仲裁辯論賽裁判。

日本皇太子殿下及雅子妃親自出席2017年LawAsia年會致歡迎詞!(我們的好朋友 雅子妃看來氣色不錯!優雅依舊!)

Japan's Crown Prince and the Crown Princess (yes, Ayako-sama) attended the Opening Ceremony of LawAsia's 30th Annual Conference on September 19th, 2017. Ayako-sama was as elegant as she was years ago!
